Writer's Block

8 months. It's been 8 months since I've posted any writing on my blog. Damn guys, MY bad! 

To say that I've been experiencing some serious writer's block would be an understatement. I mean yeah all writers experience it, but that's 67% of the entire year that I did not write for you guys. *starts playing tiny violin for myself* One day, I was whining just like I am right now to a friend about this, and she offered the most simple solution - write about not being able to write.

Of course, I started procrastinating. I felt like SpongeBob when he needed to write an essay for boat school and had a psychotic episode doing everything he could to avoid getting started (SpongeBob is hilarious IDC how old I get; judge me if you must). Couldn't start with a dirty apartment, couldn't start without a quick nap, couldn't start when the anxiety of beginning was simply too much to handle. I realize as I write this that it doesn't only apply to writer's block; when doing anything that requires us to challenge ourselves, the hardest part truly is just getting off your ass and getting started.

I'm still in the process of getting my life together when it comes to these inspirational ruts, but through trial and error I can let you guys in on what has helped me act like less of a victim and more like a woman who has a world to conquer.

Stop complaining about not having time for what you love, and make the time 

It really is that simple. I try to catch myself every time I realize I'm mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching a rerun of the same Netflix show I've seen a million times. That's precious time I could be investing into my passion. Yes, we get busy. We all have jobs and lives to live, some maybe more hectic than others. But if you just try to be a little more self aware, I'm sure you can catch yourself with a little time on your hands to perfect your craft. Even 30 minutes a day adds up to a lot of time when you're consistent with it. 

Focus more on what inspires you, and less on the negative

While it's nice on the rare occasions that it happens, inspiration doesn't usually just fall into our laps. We have to welcome it in and make an effort to keep it. I find myself most inspired when I'm reading a great book, learning something new, or watching my friends and family have the discipline to accomplish their goals. When I focus too much on not being able to write, or having a tough day, or whatever has me feeling down, the desire to write typically vanishes. Let's head to the couch for a pity party! Do not underestimate the power of your own mind and positive energy.


You have to be your own biggest fan. Believing in your own strengths is the only way you'll push yourself towards your potential. Self doubt really does kill dreams, because it's a lot easier to take on the challenge we KNOW we can overcome vs. the one that terrifies us. But think back to all the times in life you believed you could do something and all of the times you did not. Which times brought you the most success? This goes for writing that first sentence, your first set of squats, or getting back into school. If you don't pick up the pen, you'll never write a word.